Tuesday, November 1, 2011

November 1, 2011

Well, you made it through another Halloween without trick or treating.Only time will tell if this scars you for the rest of your life. I doubt it but if it does I just want you to know our intent is to do what we feel is best for our family. There is such a lure with Halloween to disguise it as fun with the candy and Fall Festivals. People tailor it up with cute homemade costumes and its labeled harmless. But its not and I wonder what type of message we are giving you by allowing you to be apart of the "fun" activities at church. My desire is make the focus on reaching out to those who have not heard the Gospel of Christ and reach them where they are. I pray that it doesn't make us look like hypocrites in your eyes. You are starting to think through decisions but you still need several more years of learning and living before you are able to make well rounded decisions. Hang in there with us as we start to navigate these turbulent waters can adolescent with you. We promise not to give up on you and pray you don't kick us out of the raft before its all said and done!!!!
Love, Mom