Tuesday, October 25, 2011

October 25, 2011

Only time will tell if you remember the night we went a booing. Mommy was trying so hard to be a cool mom for you boys and step out of my comfort zone. We walked around the neighborhood and finally decided on Mr. Josh's house. We waited in hiding and let LJ leave the treat and ring the doorbell and run to our hiding place. Well we got caught and they didn't think it was a very nice treat. Seems that the doorbell woke up and scared their little girls. I felt bad cause they didn't like the treats you worked so hard on and felt even worse cause it ruined the night for you . I'm hoping to make it up to you tonight by booing Mrs. Eva's house.I'm not sure if this will be a best or worse memory from your childhood but I just wanted you to know that it broke my heart to see you so disappointed. Maybe next year we should try toilet paper instead?!
Love, Mom

Saturday, October 15, 2011

October 15, 2001

What a week it has been. You have become excited about TNT again!!!! Your goal was to say 5 sections and although it doesn't look that will happen you aren't settling for just 2 or 3, you are going for 4 and I love that about you. You know you wont get to the 5 sections but you don't think that should stop you from saying 4!!! And you aren't just amazing us with your verses but also in math. We have been trudging along, well I have kept you at a stand still; determined to get you to memorize your multiplication facts. Its been a long hard road. You've not had a use or a desire for them until this week, when you were introduced to division. I thought because you don't have those multiplication facts memorized it would hinder your ability to do division. Not so! My son marches to his own beat!!! Now that you see you can check your division problem with multiplication you are out of the starting gate.

I always forget you have to have a reason. 

Not have to, but that is the way God made your brain function. So now I will try to apply that to the rest of growing you up. Hopefully you can be as patient with me as I have been with you and these multiplication facts!!!!! You are an amazing, strong willed child who I THANK God for giving us!!! You have no limits except the ones you place on yourself and for you that limit is the sky!!!!!
Love, Mom

Sunday, October 2, 2011

October 2, 2011

Tonight we had the amazing opportunity to listen and watch  Matt Bowen. The following is a conversation we had with the kids on the way home:

Mom and Dad: " So what was one thing you learned from tonight?"

LJ: " You need to become a Christian so you can become a lamb of Jesus......."

JJ: "Some lambs want to do their own thing."

CJ: "Lambs don't like to be eaten."

These are the things that make us smile and are so thankful that each of you were given to us as precious gifts from God!!!
Love, Mom

Saturday, October 1, 2011

October 1, 2011

 What a sweetie you are!!! Last night you asked your dad to sleep in your bed with you. That is a bit comical because it is a twin size bed. You are the only child we E-V-E-R let sleep in our bed with us and now to get you out of that habit we sometimes sleep with you in your bed when either Mommy or Daddy really need a good night rest. It was very cute when I woke up this morning and peeked into your room. All I could see was your Daddy sleeping, not so comfortably and your little feet up on his side. That was all I saw of you, your little feet. How precious you are to us and how you have caused us to break all our rules, lol!!!! I was holding you the other day, and just held you so tightly. I could just barely smell that "baby smell" in your hair. I know you will be 5 soon but there is something about a distinct smell each one of my children have had that faded as they began to get older. Its bitter sweet that is is once again happening to you, my last baby almost an official "child". I'm sad to see these precious days go so quickly. The ones where you look up to us as your everything and yet so excited for you to discover your new every things!!!!!! Yes, God did know what he was doing when he gave me a daughter and you my sweet child are the perfect one for me!!!!!
Love, Mom